Using Digital Tech to Support Employees’ Mental Health and Resilience

As more digital solutions are launched and demands from employees increase, more organizations are investing in building a healthy and resilient workforce. To gain a better understanding on the role of digital technology in supporting employees’ mental health and resilience, we recently interviewed several experts in this area for their insights.
Can AI Solve the Mental Health Crisis?

Our platform uses conversational AI to provide end-to-end support to clinicians and patients at different points in their treatment pathway, from referral through to post-recovery, all while collecting data that is forwarded on to clinicians to help them construct a clinical profile. Ultimately, this can mean increased clinical efficiencies, reduced patient wait times and improved patient outcomes..
The Forest of Serenity: A VR App Helping Terminally Ill Patients Discover Drug-free Pain Relief

Dr Sheila Popert of St Giles hospice helped develop the Forest of Serenity — an app designed to improve the quality of life for terminally ill people — by helping them self-manage pain without the need for debilitating drugs.
In Conversation with Professor Nick Titov: Digital Mental Health in the Australian Healthcare System

In episode 3 of eMHprac’s Digital Mental Health Musings series, Professor Nick Titov, Department of Psychology at Macquarie University, Australia discusses his work in digital mental health and digital mental health in the Australian Healthcare system.