Chief Executive, Health Quality and Safety Commission of New Zealand
Dr. Janice Wilson
Chief Executive, Health Quality and Safety Commission of New Zealand
Dr. Janice Wilson is the current deputy chair of the eMHIC Board and Chief Executive of the Health Quality and Safety Commission of New Zealand. Prior to this she was a Deputy Director-General at the Ministry of Health, New Zealand, initially for mental health, then population health. She was also Director of Mental Health at the Ministry and has worked clinically as a psychiatrist. Janice enjoys living in Wellington, New Zealand with her family including her dog and cat, and the challenges of being an active gardener within the wonderful climatic variations this city experiences.
Her vision for eMental Health is that it becomes an integral part of all approaches to support people with mental health challenges – that it improves access to their support, promotes evidence informed decision making and good public understanding, and leads to better outcomes for individual and populations.
Guided by a Network of Global Leaders
Global Leadership Council
Global Leadership Council members provide thought leadership from a diverse range of professional backgrounds and experience in eMHIC’s Special Interest Groups.