First Thousand Frontline Workers Complete ORCHA Training Academy

One thousand delegates from across the NHS and care sectors have logged onto the new ORCHA Digital Health Academy and completed foundation training modules.
Innovative New Mental Health Support for Young People Launched by ReachOut as the Need for Services Grows

ReachOut PeerChat is a safe, digital one-to-one peer support service that allows young people to connect with trained peer workers who offer perspective, learnings and support through their own lived and living experience of mental ill health and tough times. PeerChat is free, available to young people aged 18 to 25 years-old.
Understanding Accreditation to the National Safety and Quality Digital Mental Health (NSQDMH) Standards Webinar

The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care share a webinar on Understanding Accreditation to the National Safety and Quality Digital Mental Health (NSQDMH) Standards. A panel of experts explain the accreditation process step-by-step and outline supporting resources.
Ethics in Mental Health Digital Innovations for Young People in Africa: Digital Campaign

In this digital campaign, young people across 5 African countries presented three ethical issues that are most important for them: Confidentiality, Informed consent and Affordability.
How Could Real and Virtual People Connect in the Metaverse? – BBC News Interviews

BBC News Interviews Greg Cross, Co-founder and CEO of Soul Machines to discuss the future of how real and virtual people could connect in the Metaverse.
Mental Health Funding of £1.8m Welcomed by MHRA and NICE to Explore Regulation of Digital Mental Health Tools

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have been awarded £1.8m funding by Wellcome over three years to explore and produce guidance on regulating digital mental health tools.
Instagram Partners with ReachOut to Launch Reel Talk Content Series

ReachOut has partnered with Instagram to launch its latest Australian safety and wellbeing campaign, Reel Talk. The Reel Talk series will showcase how parents and young people can have real conversations together about social media, wellbeing and keeping safe online, before sharing with their communities.
Protecting Users of Digital Mental Health Apps

Over 10,000 digital mental health apps are currently on the market.The World Economic Forum and Deloitte are supporting lawmakers in developing successful policies on technology for mental health. A global governance toolkit protects consumers and helps users address ethical concerns.
Social Media: How to Protect your Mental Health

The recent inquest into the death of British teenager Molly Russell in 2017 has concluded that the 14-year-old “died from an act of self harm while suffering from depression and the negative effects of online content”. For some people, this ruling will be confirmation of what they have long suspected or indeed experienced: that being on social media can be detrimental to your mental health.
Tech Takes on Suicide Prevention

Technology is allowing new strategies to reduce the risk of suicide using AI. This article explores some of these innovative developments and some concerns.