Coaching to Support Mental Health Apps: Exploratory Narrative Review

The therapeutic alliance is crucial for the success of face-to-face therapies. Little is known about how coaching functions and fosters the therapeutic alliance in asynchronous treatment modalities such as smartphone apps. We conducted a selected review to gather preliminary data about the role of coaching in mobile technology use for mental health care.

Mental Health and the Service User Experience in the Digital Age 

How patients’ experiences with mental health services are approached and evaluated varies both within research and within clinical practice. In some cases such evaluations are prioritized. In other cases such an approach is non-existent or fragmented.   So how can we better understand, evaluate and promote the service user experience within the mental health field […]

A New Digital Assessment of Mental Health and Well-being in the Workplace: Development and Validation of the Unmind Index

Introducing Unmind   “Unmind is a workplace, digital, mental health platform with tools to help users track, maintain, and improve their mental health and well-being (MHWB). Psychological measurement plays a key role on this platform, providing users with insights on their current MHWB, the ability to track it over time, and personalized recommendations, while providing […]

Digital Tools for Mental Wellbeing – Opportunities and Impact

Research suggests that some people like online mental health tools as they can help remove barriers, however, there is still a lot to learn about what digital mental health options work, who uses them, and what opportunities there are to improve them. Te Hiringa Hauora commissioned Victoria University of Wellington’s Digital Mental Health Lab to help us answer these questions.