The NHS Confederation’s Latest Report Explores the Potential of Digital in Mental Health

In the ever-evolving landscape of mental healthcare, digital technologies have emerged as a game-changer. The NHS Confederation’s report titled “Maximising the Potential of Digital in Mental Health,” puts the spotlight on the pivotal role of digital innovations in England’s mental healthcare pathways. These innovations, some of which were a response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, have now become an integral part of the healthcare ecosystem. They hold the promise of not only enhancing mental well-being but also revolutionizing the delivery of healthcare services.
Education for Wellbeing: Is Investing in Mental Health Literacy the Key to Reducing the Burden on Clinical Services?

About the Webinar: Mental health literacy programmes are increasingly being used around the world as an effective strategy for reducing the burden of mental illness on communities, particularly amongst diverse communities who experience multiple barriers to accessing services. Such programmes can help our most vulnerable communities to better understand their mental health and know […]
Digital Transformation of Mental Health Services

This paper makes a case for digital mental health and provides insights into how digital technologies can enhance (but not replace) existing mental health services. We describe digital mental health by presenting a suite of digital technologies (from digital interventions to the application of artificial intelligence)
29k: Together We Can Co-create a Digital Platform to Help the World and Ourselves – Let’s Do It!

The 29k Foundation was founded in 2016. We are an open-source, co-created, non-profit foundation that makes psychological tools for mental health, inner development, and civic leadership accessible for free. By gathering contributors and co-creators we aim to build a platform to change 10 million people’s lives by 2030.
Headlight: Increasing Mental Health Literacy in Communities

Increasing mental health literacy within a community can have a direct impact on the mental wellbeing of a population, promote early intervention and reduce the burden of care on clinical services and community support networks. Yet the fact remains that equitable access to mental health education to improve literacy remains out of reach for many communities.
Partnering Together for Person-and-Family Centric Care – A Report on Stepped Care 2.0 in Canada’s Northwest Territories

By enhancing services, training service providers, fostering community involvement, and establishing the Mental Wellness & Addictions Recovery Advisory Group, the introduction of Stepped Care 2.0© (SC2.0) has elevated the delivery of services to residents in the Northwest Territories. There has been a substantial augmentation in the outreach, diversity, and adaptability of services, leading to improved accessibility to counseling.
Crisis Text Line: What We Learned About the Wider Social Benefits of Operating a Digital Mental Health Platform From Surveying Over 3,400 Volunteer Crisis Counselors

Crisis Text Line is a nonprofit organization that provides free, 24/7, confidential text-based mental health support and crisis intervention in both English and Spanish for anyone in the United States including Puerto Rico. We do this through a digital mental health platform that is powered by trained volunteer Crisis Counselors. Since our launch in 2013, we’ve trained more than 65,000 volunteer Crisis Counselors in the US (88,000 worldwide). These volunteers have supported over 8 million crisis conversations in the US and more than 11.8 million conversations globally over the past decade, collectively donating more than 3 million hours of volunteer time on the platform in the US alone.
Wysa: Transforming Mental Health Through AI-Driven Support

Wysa is a global leader in AI-driven mental health support, available both to individuals, through employer benefits programmes and healthcare services. We believe access to support should be available whenever people need it. Stigma prevails, so we take away the need for people to ask for help and eliminate the need for people to make a judgement call on when they should seek professional support.
Five Reasons Why ChatGPT Is the Future of Digital Mental Health Support

Here are five reasons why I think he latest generation AI-powered chatbots like ChatGPT will be the future of digitally delivered therapy and mental health support…
Experts ‘Cautiously Optimistic’ About Extended Reality for Mental Healthcare

During a series of talks at vMed 2023, speakers discussed the promise of XR use in mental healthcare and their cautious optimism around care delivery in the metaverse.