RiseUp: A Transformative Step Toward Black Youth Empowerment

The rhythm of change often begins with a single note—a bold acknowledgment of history and the promise of a brighter future. RiseUp powered by Kids Help Phone embodies this rhythm, stepping boldly into the gaps created by systemic inequities and anti-Black racism to empower Black youth across Canada.

Building the Global Mental Health Gift Economy

The concept of a gift economy challenges traditional economic models by fostering mutual support and emotional well-being without monetary transactions. Rooted in generosity, reciprocity, and surplus rather than scarcity, a gift economy empowers individuals, communities, and countries to address pressing challenges like mental health, loneliness, and community disconnection.

Join us for eMHIC25, the 10th Digital Mental Health Global Congress!

For the past ten years, the eMHIC Congress has been the trusted space for government officials, mental health commissioners, individuals with lived and living experience, innovators, researchers, frontline clinicians, and the global peak bodies committed to implementing effective digital mental health solutions within their jurisdictions.

ICT&health World Conference, Keynote Address on Digital Mental Health

At the ICT&health World Conference in the Netherlands, eMHIC’s Executive Director, Professor Anil Thapliyal, addressed global healthcare leaders, innovators, and policymakers, including representatives from the Ministry of Health and the WHO on the transformative role of digital solutions in mental health care.

Consortium for Research in Eating Disorders

Our knowledge of the causes of eating disorders is still limited. It is a complex interaction of genetic, biological, psychological, and social factors. Without understanding exactly how these factors interact, we cannot develop the most effective treatments, including those using digital health approaches.