Mukbang, #EatWithMe and Eating Disorders on TikTok: Why Online Food Consumption Videos Could Fuel Food Fixations

You might have come across #EatWithMe videos on TikTok, which typically feature young women eating food while encouraging viewers to eat along with them. As an expert in eating disorders I (Vivienne Lewis) can tell you these videos are very unlikely to assist people in their recovery.
How Telehealth Can Best Support Mental Healthcare

Dr. Holly Dubois, chief clinical officer at Mindstrong, a digital mental health company, talks about virtual care’s role and offers a look at a special telemedicine program designed to prevent suicide among veterans.
Togetherall Publish Annual Report

An independent body of experts submitted its first annual report, covering fundamental aspects of Togetherall’s activity.
NHS Mental Health Workers Turn to VR to Tackle Inequality on Wards

As NHS mental health services face record-breaking levels of demand, researchers from Maudsley Learning at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM) are building cutting-edge VR simulations to deliver diversity and inclusion training to frontline mental health staff.
Digital Literacy in Contemporary Mental Healthcare: Online Assessments and Mobile Health Apps

Summary: ‘Digital’ is an omnipresent yet often vague, misunderstood or feared topic in health services. There are many current and potential gains for individual patients and local populations, clinicians and organisations through optimisation of digital technologies. We argue that understanding the various aspects of digital psychiatry is an essential contemporary need. This is the […]
AI Could Help Predict Suicides – But Rushing the Technology Could Lead to Big Mistakes

In the UK, a quarter of people who take their own lives were in contact with a health professional the previous week, and most have spoken to someone within the last month. Yet assessing patient suicide risk remains extremely difficult. There were 5,219 recorded deaths by suicide in England in 2021. While the suicide rate in England and […]
Q&A: Why Mental Health Chatbots Need Strict Safety Guardrails

Ramakant Vempati, Wysa cofounder and president, discusses how the startup tests its AI-backed chatbot to monitor safety and quality.
The Regulatory Gap in Digital Health and Alternative Pathways to Bridge It

Key Highlights: Physicians and patients are overwhelmed with the number and variety of digital health technologies coming to market. Marketing authorizations by the U.S. FDA and its European counterparts normally bear signal effects: a product has been tested in a way that it is safe and efficacious for its intended purpose. This is currently not […]
Young People Without Access to a Computer had Poorer Mental Health During the Pandemic

Adolescents are particularly vulnerable to developing mental health disorders. The COVID pandemic has added to already worrying trends in the mental health of children and young people. In our paper, we call on policymakers, health services and researchers to pay more attention to the risks of a lack of digital access.
Attensi Offers Helping Hand to Ukranian Children

Children and teenagers affected by the conflict in Ukraine are to be given a helping hand thanks to a computer game designed to help them deal with the things they have experienced in a war zone.