Australian ‘National Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Strategy’ – Draft for Consultation

As a part of the [Australian] nation’s mental health reform agenda, the National Mental Health Commission has been tasked with developing a National Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Strategy. The draft Strategy has been released for public consultation. We are inviting feedback via survey responses and submissions by 1 February, 2023.

Australian Mental Health Commission

The draft Strategy has been released for public consultation. We are inviting feedback via survey responses and submissions by 1 February, 2023To find out more, visit the Draft Strategy.


As a part of the nation’s mental health reform agenda, the National Mental Health Commission has been tasked with developing a National Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Strategy.


The Strategy’s focus and objectives include:


  • Reduce self-stigma amongst those who experience mental ill-health and those who support them.
  • Reduce public stigma by changing attitudes and behaviours in the general community and amongst identified target audiences.
  • Take steps towards eliminating structural stigma and discrimination towards those affected by mental ill-health in identified settings.


The Strategy will initially concentrate on stigma and discrimination reduction in the following settings:


  • Mental Health System
  • Health System
  • Financial Services and Insurance
  • Legal Systems
  • Education and Training
  • Employment
  • Social Services, Disability, Income Support and Housing



The Strategy is being developed in partnership with people with lived experience and people who have been directly affected by stigma, along with people with other forms of expertise across the health sector and broader community.


The Commission has established a Steering Committee and series of Technical Advisory Groups to guide the development of the National Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Strategy. The Steering Committee and Technical Advisory Groups are co-chaired by people with lived experience and people with other forms of expertise in the specific settings the strategy aims to change.

National Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Strategy - Draft for Consultation
Click to Download the Draft Strategy (PDF)