A Glocal Reality Lab is a concept sketch idea for a regional competence center based in Stockholm, aimed at strengthening both ongoing and upcoming initiatives in Sweden and internationally. A Glocal Reality Lab also provides the opportunity to scale innovation, services and results in the area to more parts of the country as well as to other parts in the world, for example London and Auckland. We also want to create new projects with different partners that we have established relationships with in trade and industry, public organisations and NGOs.


Digital natives[1] participate in the lab as experts in the development of innovation and new services. Digital natives participate, show the way and combine future health services on an equal footing with business, non-profit, public sector, preventing mental illness, increasing well-being, and reducing social disparities in a socially sustainable manner.





RISE has worked for several years on various projects and initiatives targeting the societal challenge of mentally ill-health children and adolescents from both a system perspective and a people powered perspective. Through this we have established a strong network of contacts both in Sweden and internationally within the public sector, non-profit sector, private sector and academia.





Creating a chain of reality labs starting in Stockholm and Auckland, sharing knowledge, resources, data driven services and innovation, to be able to tackle the societal challenge faster and more progressively in a an open and transparent manner.





Develop health-promoting, digital and data driven health services with, and for, children and young people and address their needs for sustainable mental health.



Setting up the lab


  • A physical hub located strategically in the city centre attracting multi-helix actors (public sector, NGOs, trade and industry, academia and other people)
  • Interactive, mobile pop-up studios at schools where children and young people can attend and participate as experts in building prototypes  
  • A virtual, cloud based, open source sharing platform
  • Lead by a cross functional innovation core team of 3-4 people. They analyze market opportunities, find market opportunities, set up and lead innovation processes, events and high level meetings. Making sure to have the ability to move between the system level perspective and the people perspective.





  • The Lab in Stockholm and could be the first node of many labs. For example there could be labs in other parts of Sweden, and one lab in Auckland and London.
  • The labs should share knowledge on a system level and a policy level
  • Best practice around human centered design
  • Parallel innovation projects exchange
  • Shared resources around data driven innovation, AI, blockchain, AR, VR etc
  • Shared events and conferences around e-mental health and research within this area
  • Joint investments and financing of projects and initiatives



[1] Digital Native “Digital Natives” or “Digitally Native” refers to those born during or after digital technology became an essential part of our society in 1997 and later. We others who were born before the digital age and have learned and adapt to the latter in life, we are “digital immigrants”, that is, “digital immigrants.”


These concepts are highly relevant. For digital natives, digital technology uses a completely different way than digital immigrants for the simple reason they do not compare with something that has been. And here’s another approach and usage that society can learn from.

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