ConnexOntario Health Services Information is a provincial system navigation agency funded by Ontario Health (OH) to provide navigation services for mental health, addiction, and problem gambling services in Ontario. Available 24/7/365 via text (SMS), email, phone, and chat, our professional staff provides the ‘how’ and the ‘where’ Ontarians can find the help they need. ConnexOntario services are available year-round to:

  • the general public
  • people who use substances
  • people with alcohol use disorders
  • people with gambling concerns
  • people with mental health concerns
  • families, friends
  • professionals
  • students
  • researchers
  • government, etc.


text CONNEX to 247247

email or chat with our team at

Our team consists of trained professionals who provide information about mental health and addictions, recommending or referring individuals to government-funded programs and services that best meet their needs. We understand how difficult these concerns can be, and whether the caller is concerned about their own issues or worried about a loved one, ConnexOntario provides non-judgmental support and connection to appropriate services.

ConnexOntario collects program information from all community-funded mental health, addictions and problem gambling organizations and has expanded its scope to collect OHIP- funded, and charity-funded program information. The database includes data submitted exclusively to ConnexOntario, such as a program’s projected wait times and admission criteria. Our team has a connection point with all agencies across the province and will update program records continuously. We are constantly updating information on more than 450 organizations and over 6,000 programs such as:

  • Referral information
  • Program/Service description 
  • Program/Service location
  • Program structure (Modalities offered, etc.)
  • Services available by gender, age, etc.
  • Projected wait-times

Organizations can also request reports about the sector, including general demographic information on the individuals referred. As we strive to provide a more comprehensive view of the mental health and addiction services available to all Ontarians, we encourage more organizations to learn about our Inclusion Criteria.

Along with our navigation and data services, ConnexOntario’s mindyourmind youth mental health program, exists in the space where mental health, wellness, engagement, and technology meet.  mindyourmind works with community partners and young people aged 14-29 to co-create interactive tools and innovative mental health resources that build capacity and resilience.


  • A province where all people in Ontario are connected to mental health and addiction support where, when, and how they need it.


  • We provide 24/7 access to information for mental health & addiction services, expert youth engagement, collaboration and resource development and comprehensive systems data to support informed decision-making.

To learn more about ConnexOntario visit their website >>

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