Empowering Mental Health Through Inclusive Technology

Psychology Today

We have all heard that technology can revolutionize mental health care. But if it was that easy, where has the revolution been for the last decade? Finally, we are realizing the first step is for technology to advance equity, diversity, and inclusion in mental health care. Toward making progress and determining exactly how this can happen, Dr. Olu Ajilore of the University of Illinois Chicago organized a panel on empowering mental health through inclusive technology at the Society of Biological Psychiatry annual meeting held in San Diego[…]


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Psychology Today

John Torous MD, MBI

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Victoria Hornby

CEO, Mental Health Innovations, UK

International Phone and Text Helplines

Victoria is CEO of Mental Health Innovations, the charity behind SHOUT, the UK’s first 24/7 crisis text service. From 2011 to 2017, she was Director of Programmes at The Royal Foundation, building a portfolio of projects including the Invictus Games, Coach Core, United for Wildlife and Heads Together.