Virtual Reality-Based Therapy: Can It Transform Interventions for Severe Mental Disorders in a Cost-Effective Manner?


About the Webinar: 


Acknowledging the increasing rates of mental health disorders, it is imperative to find new, effective treatments that can be scaled for clinical implementation. Virtual reality (VR) is a promising technologically advanced mental health tool with high ecological validity.


VR has traditionally been employed in treating anxiety disorders, but recent years have witnessed an interest in exploring the potential of VR for treating severe mental illnesses such as psychosis. While the evidence base is increasing, the preliminary findings indicate short-term VR-based interventions to be effective in alleviating psychotic symptoms in a potentially cost-effective manner.


In this webinar, researchers from VIRTU Research Group in Denmark discuss how virtual reality is a cutting-edge mental health treatment tool that has the potential to significantly advance non-pharmacological treatment of severe mental disorders producing real-life benefits for patients. Key in the webinar is a service-user account of the transformative potential of VR interventions in treating psychotic symptoms.

Expert International Speakers:

  • UK/Italy: Gregor Henderson (MC)
  • Denmark: Louise Birkedal Glenthøj, Associate Professor & Head of VIRTU Research Group
  • Denmark: Lisa Charlotte Smith, PhD Student, VIRTU Research Group
  • Denmark: Lise Sandvig Mariegaard, Clinical Psychologist, VIRTU Research Group
  • Denmark: Vibeke Andersen, Lived experience VR advocate