The Startup That Hopes Your Doctor May One Day Prescribe You a Video Game

Play can be therapeutic. But can you dare to imagine a future where gaming is just what the doctor literally ordered? It’s a future that DeepWell DTx is on a mission to secure. The company, which is still in its very early days, is a few things at once.


Play can be therapeutic. But can you dare to imagine a future where gaming is just what the doctor literally ordered?


It’s a future that DeepWell DTx is on a mission to secure. The company, which is still in its very early days, is a few things at once. It’s a development and publishing business that will build therapeutic games in-house and help its development partners do the same. It’s also, even more crucially, a regulatory services provider.


Every prescribed treatment and every over-the-counter medication in the United States is subject to regulatory approval by the Food & Drug Administration. Securing approvals is a lengthy and expensive process, but successfully navigating that process is what could turn DeepWell’s goal to deliver and set the standard for “medicinal entertainment” into reality.

“For everybody involved, what keeps bringing us all back is the purpose, the mission, and how big this could be,” DeepWell co-founder Mike Wilson said. “It’s not just about the games we make; [it’s also about] reframing people’s viewpoint on the games they already love.”