ORCHA Platform Helps Suicide Prevention Helpline to Recommend Apps

Suicide is the biggest killer of under 35s in the UK. Papyrus is the national charity founded for the prevention of young suicide, providing confidential support and advice to young people struggling with thoughts of suicide, and anyone worried about a young person through its helpline, HOPELINE247.


Suicide is the biggest killer of under 35s in the UK. Papyrus is the national charity founded for the prevention of young suicide, providing confidential support and advice to young people struggling with thoughts of suicide, and anyone worried about a young person through its helpline, HOPELINE247.


Aware that people search online to find support for their mental health, including searching for apps, Papyrus wanted to supply a digital resource following a call to HOPELINE247, and to have available for those who do not call. But the charity understood that although there are thousands of apps to choose from, the vast majority are not safe or secure with managing personal details.


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