Revolutionizing Rounding: The New Tool That Lets Patients Sleep

Sleep is a crucial component of mental health, playing a key role in emotion regulation, memory consolidation and cognitive function. Think of how often someone’s said to you, “You’ll feel better with a good night’s sleep.”
Inside the Technology Driving High Reliability and Staff Productivity

When Tracey Wrench was in the behavioral health trenches, what kept her up at night were patient outcomes and their connection to staffing challenges. But what kept her patients and staff up at night was something else.
How Behavioral Health Providers Can Tackle Staffing Issues With Technology

Most health care providers agree that the overwhelming issue they currently face is staff retention and recruitment. The American Hospital Association recently called the workforce shortage that hospitals are experiencing a “national emergency,” projecting the overall shortage of nurses to reach 1.1 million by the end of the year.
Building Resilient Workplaces: Unveiling Recovery Pathways for Mental Health and Substance Use

Substance use disorder (SUD) in the U.S. has risen dramatically since the COVID-19 pandemic began. According to the 2020 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 40.3 million people aged 12 or older had a past-year substance use disorder and 1 in 11 workers suffers from SUD. New national and state legislation urges employers to implement solutions and programs that address this crisis.
The Scottish Government’s Digital Mental Health Integration into Strategy and Policy

In 2015 the Scottish Government first rolled out national access to a digital mental health product: the clinically evidenced, computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy program Beating the Blues.
An Interview with Laura Cozens, Head of Patient Safety and Quality, Oxehealth

Oxevision is an infrared sensitive camera that is housed in a secure unit installed in patient rooms. It relays information to staff in real time. Staff members receive that information through a fixed screen in the nurses station and on portable tablet devices. We’re also able to use Oxevision for remote patient monitoring — measuring their pulse and breathing rate while carrying out a short, 15-second visual check to verify that a patient is doing well.
How Behavioral Health Providers Can Gain 5 Key Staffing Benefits

The teams on acute behavioral health inpatient units face a daily challenge. A typical unit has 16 behavioral health patients, each requiring Q15 rounding. That’s 16 patients who need checks every 15 minutes, a total of 96 checks per day per patient for 1,536 daily checks total.
Virtual Reality-Based Therapy: Can It Transform Interventions for Severe Mental Disorders in a Cost-Effective Manner?

About the Webinar: Acknowledging the increasing rates of mental health disorders, it is imperative to find new, effective treatments that can be scaled for clinical implementation. Virtual reality (VR) is a promising technologically advanced mental health tool with high ecological validity. VR has traditionally been employed in treating anxiety disorders, but recent years […]
Financing Mental Health: United for Global Mental Health Examines the Current Situation and Ways Forward for Sustained Investment

United for Global Mental Health, an advocacy organisation that works to advance mental health and psychosocial well-being globally, has released it’s latest report delving into the complex landscape of funding for mental health services. It aims to shed light on the current state of affairs by offering a macro-level analysis of government and donor contributions to mental health finance.
Collaboration and Co-creation – The Key to Singapore’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy

Executive director Anil Thapliyal attended the Mental Health Conference co-organized by eMHIC member organization, the Institute of Mental Health Singapore. The theme for this highly engaging event was “Co-Creating Our Mental Health Ecosystem,” which highlighted the importance of collaboration for positive population-wide mental health outcomes.