Toronto Roundtable – Improving Access to Mental Health Care, Support, and Treatment at Population Health Level

eMental Health International Collaborative (eMHIC) hosted a Digital Mental Health Roundtable in Toronto, Canada on Friday 16 Feb 2024 in collaboration with the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) and Kids Help Phone. Michel Rodrigue (CEO of the MHCC) and Katherine (Kathy) Hay (CEO of Kids Help Phone) provided strong vision, foresight and commitment which ensured the success of the event. The roundtable was also excellently facilitated by passionate champion of digital mental health, Professor Andrew Greenshaw.

The World’s First AI-Driven Mental Health Platform for Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365

Launched in 2022, through a partnership between distinguished Australian clinical psychologist, Dr. Simon Kinsella, and Mesh Ai, Simpatico Ai was created in response to the changing mental health landscape in workplaces around the globe. It is estimated that 12 billion working days are lost every single year as a result of depression and anxiety disorders.

Revolutionizing Youth Mental Health. Unlocking Hope and Healing: A Digital Transdiagnostic Moderated Social Therapy Platform (ENYOY) for Youth with Emerging Mental Health Complaints.

The prevalence of youth mental health issues is a significant concern globally, with approximately one in four young people in the Western world experiencing a mental health disorder annually. In the Netherlands, a quarter of young adults were categorized as ‘psychologically unhealthy’ in 2021, and the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated these challenges. Adolescence, marked by various transformations, leaves young people vulnerable to mental health complaints, often emerging before the age of 25.

Meeting Increasing Youth Mental Health and Addiction Need – Are Digital Solutions the Answer?

New Zealand (NZ) is ideally situated in the Pacific Ocean, it is home to 5.12 million people with a population density of 20 people per square kilometer. It is a land of glorious green forests, soaring mountains and sandy beaches, a land made famous by Peter Jackson’s Hobbit movies. However this beautiful country is not immune to the international trends of increased mental health distress. Mental Health distress rates have been increasing for some time, with the rate of increase escalating over the past decade. This increase seems particularly evident in youth and young adults, the easons for which are multiple and complex, although the impact of the COVID pandemic and resulting lockdowns seems to have differentially affected youth.

The Economic Benefits of LENS Treatment for People with Anxiety

A recent study funded by MQ Mental Health Research (MQ) showed that a
new treatment, titled Learning Effective New Strategies (LENS), which can
be administered remotely, could be effective in helping people who
experience GAD to recover. The LENS treatment, which consists of a
training programme designed to embed effective strategies for reducing
anxiety, was delivered entirely online and has since been developed into an

European Parliament Champions Mental Health Rights in New Resolution

Parliament has set a new benchmark in mental health advocacy with its comprehensive resolution dated 12 December 2023. The Own Initiative Report, led by MEP Sara, presents a holistic approach to mental health, affirming it as a fundamental human right and addressing its multifaceted nature across the EU.

The Promise of Digital Interventions To Reduce the Disease Burden of Depression

Depression is a major public health problem, affecting hundreds of millions of people across the globe. The personal suffering of patients and their families is enormous and the economic costs associated with depression are vast. There are effective treatments, but they do not always work. Most people suffering from depression do not respond to the first treatment they get.

Sleep Matters: Insight the Connection Between Sleep and Mental Health

We know that forward-thinking behavioral health providers are already finding ways to use technology to revolutionize rounding for the sake of their patients. Understanding the connection between sleep, mental health conditions and patient recovery can help providers even more as they travel toward embracing additional solutions that can improve patient care.