Protecting Young People From Harmful Content Online

Young people and suicide prevention experts agree collaboration is the key to improving online safety in relation to self-harm and suicide, a new study has found.
eMHIC’s Anil Thapliyal Presented with “Honorary Champion of the Kids Help Phone Feel Out Loud National Movement in Canada Award”

In recognition of his significant contributions to mental health, eMHIC’s Executive Director, Professor Anil Thapliyal, was honored with the “Honorary Champion of the Kids Help Phone Feel Out Loud National Movement in Canada Award” by Katherine Hay, CEO and President of Kids Help Phone. The ceremony took place in Auckland, New Zealand, on May 10, 2024.
eMHIC’s Anil Thapliyal Invited to The Society of Digital Psychiatry & JMIR Mental Health’s Webinar

It is such an honour for eMHIC’s Executive Director to be invited by The Society of Digital Psychiatry & JMIR Mental Health to be part of a much needed and timely conversation on “Empowering Global Mental Wellness: Harnessing eMental Health Collaborations for Positive Impact.”
Driving Responsible Change: A Way Forward with the Mental Health Commission of Canada

Since 2007, the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) has championed new technologies to improve mental health outcomes. With our bird’s eye view of digital innovation across the country, the MHCC is uniquely placed to identify pockets of excellence and help scale them up.
ReachOut’s 2022-2023 Social Impact Report

ReachOut has been supporting the mental health and well-being of young Australians for over 25 years. They facilitate greater mental health literacy through their digital-first support services and resources to young people and their support networks.
Cultivating Awareness of Evidence-Based, Regulated, and Safe Digital Health Tools

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, digital health stands as a towering pillar of innovation, promising revolutionary advancements in patient care and treatment. Yet, despite its grandeur and the cacophony of buzz surrounding it, there exists a significant obstacle impeding its widespread adoption: awareness.
WHO Unveils a Digital Health Promoter Harnessing Generative AI for Public Health

S.A.R.A.H. is a Smart AI Resource Assistant for Health that represents an evolution of AI-powered health information avatars, using new language models and cutting-edge technology. It can engage users 24 hours a day in 8 languages on multiple health topics, on any device.
Unprecedented series of 6 Digital Mental Health Roundtables across Australia and NZ in 2024 to unlock Digital’s Potential for Improving Access, Easing Workforce Constraints and Implementing Scalable Prevention Initiatives

Technology permeates every aspect of our lives so it’s no surprise that mental health care is undergoing a digital revolution. Digital technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) present transformative opportunities for mental health services, making them more accessible, efficient, and effective. To delve into this crucial intersection of technology and mental health, eMHIC is leading a series of six roundtable events in May across Australia and New Zealand, bringing together local and international subject matter experts to explore Digital Mental Health Strategy & Implementation and the role of AI in Mental Health.
Cascade Impacts: Mental Health Workforce & Community Resilience

In this webinar, collaborative researchers from the affiliated network of text-based crisis response partners at Mental Health Innovations (providers of Shout, in the UK), Kids Help Phone (Canada), Text About it by Spunout (Ireland), and Crisis Text Line (United States) will share insights from their collective efforts to illuminate the cascade impacts of volunteers through their models.
Meet SA’s Mental Health Commissioner and “Wellbeing Warrior”

Our Mental Health Commissioner has big ideas about how to tackle prejudice and discrimination associated with mental health. We sat down with Taimi Allan to find out how she’s shaking things up for the better.