The Potential of AI to Enhance Mental Health in Correctional Facilities: Benefits for Staff and Incarcerated Individuals

There are substantial reasons to think that rapidly developing advances in technology will create profound changes in the decision-making, diagnosis, treatment, and management related to healthcare issues, including mental health care, in the next few years. It is well-known that correctional facilities face significant challenges in addressing the mental health needs of both incarcerated individuals […]

Exploring the Gift Economy: An Introduction to 7 Cups

In a world where transactions often define human interactions, the gift economy offers a refreshing perspective. Unlike traditional economic models focused on profit and exchange, the gift economy thrives on the principles of generosity, community, and the intrinsic value of giving without expecting something in return.

AI Chatbots for Mental Health: Opportunities and Limitations

AI technology has brought significant advancements in various fields, including mental health care. AI chatbots, designed to provide mental health support, have become increasingly popular as tools to assist individuals in managing their mental health.

These chatbots offer various services, from immediate crisis intervention to ongoing therapeutic conversations. However, despite their potential, AI chatbots also present several challenges. This post explores the opportunities and challenges of using AI chatbots for mental health.

4 Principles to Guide AI in Supporting Mental Health

Mental health disorders are a pressing issue where one in every two people globally will develop a mental health condition at some point1. Unfortunately, far too few people have access to high-quality mental healthcare. As a psychologist, I’ve seen this chasm between demand and supply result in people falling through the cracks with devastating outcomes. At Google, we’re committed to doing our part to support mental health, and recognize that AI has the potential to help address this need by expanding access to education, assessment and intervention. For example, AI models trained on mental health data can generate resources that help with tasks such as training providers, making diagnoses and implementing interventions. But AI can only be useful if we approach this opportunity — and challenge — in the right way.

ConnexOntario Health Services

ConnexOntario Health Services Information is a provincial system navigation agency funded by Ontario Health (OH) to provide navigation services for mental health, addiction, and problem gambling services in Ontario.

Mental Health America

Mental Health America was established in 1909, and is the leading national nonprofit dedicated to the promotion of mental health, well-being, and illness prevention in the United States. Mental Health America works to advance our mission through education, direct services, research, policy, and advocacy, and has become a national standard bearer in public mental health advocacy and community-based solutions. Our work is informed, designed, and led by the lived experience of those most affected, which powers our relentless pursuit of the mental health and well-being of all.

Harnessing AI Symptom Tracking to Advance Measurement-Based Care

In this thought-provoking webinar, behavioral health and Artificial Intelligence (AI) experts discuss the current issues facing mental health and how technological advancements are making measurement-based care a reality for all. Measurement-based care lays the groundwork for understanding the scale and patterns of these illnesses and objectively tracking how interventions affect treatment. The speakers will also examine AI’s practical implementation considerations and new avenues for understanding and treating conditions. Don’t miss this opportunity to explore the advanced intersection of AI and mental health and technology’s role in improving clinical practice and population health management.